And just like that, 2023 is almost over. It’s been a very busy year for me, and I haven’t traveled as much compared to previous years, except, of course, during the height of the pandemic.
Maybe it’s because, first, I’ve been VERY BUSY, and second, MY PRIORITIES HAVE KINDA’ CHANGED. Don’t get me wrong; I still love traveling, and I always will. Maybe I’m just saving up a bit and trying to control my itchy feet.
So yeah, my 2023 was really uneventful. Just a disclaimer though…yes, my personal life has been relatively uneventful, but my professional life is the complete opposite!
Anyway, nobody really asked for this 2023 recap, but here you go.
DRIVER’S LICENSE. I finally have a driver’s license!!! But don’t be fooled, because I really don’t drive that much. Hahaha. I was forced to finally get one before my student permit expires.
PRECIOUS PAULA NICOLE. One of the best things that happened to me in 2023 was PPN!
I know I’m kinda late to the party, but who cares. Hahaha. I was able to attend at least 2 drag performances of Precious (Precious Journey-versary & D’ Intervention) and actually invited her to one of our events in Go Negosyo. A DREAM COME TRUE! I so love him/her. Yup, both Boss Rodolfo and Precious. Hahaha!
But of course, aside from PPN, 2023 really got me totally ‘hooked’ on Drag. Just to clarify, that’s an A right there, not U. My Drag Race PH Season 2 bias was Bernie by the way.
TAIWAN ON MY BIRTHDAY. Never before had I celebrated my birthday out of town or even out of the country, so my 2023 birthday was, to put it mildly, unforgettable. This was already my third trip to Taiwan, but hey, third time’s the charm!
DECLUTTER, DETACH, DELETE. Ever since I moved into my condo a year ago, I’ve been embracing minimalism, not only with furniture but also in my lifestyle. To be fair, I’ve been trying to reduce my environmental impact by living sustainably and embracing eco-friendly practices for years, so minimalism isn’t new to me at all.
But I’m proud to say that in 2023, I got rid of almost all, if not all, my mementos and some things that I’ve held dear since my childhood days. Being the sentimental person that I am, I usually find it hard to part with things, even the tiniest ticket that holds sentimental value for me. However, to fully commit to a minimalist lifestyle, I’ve learned that experiences and memories are more important than physical possessions. This year, I hardly bought any new clothes; some were just given to me, and I’m proud of that. I sold and gave away some of my clothes, favorite books, and DVDs that I no longer found useful. I believe they’re better off with other people who will appreciate them, rather than accumulating dust in my closet.
I am happy, I earned a little extra, and I have no intentions of going back to my old self. Not that I am too extravagant before, but compared to today, I want to be more intentional with my choices and be more mindful with my consumptions. In practicing minimalism, I’ve embraced essentialism by discerning the essential possessions that truly contribute to my daily life and letting go of unnecessary items cluttering my space and my head. And hey, I also deleted lots of photos and videos in my phone to free up some space, they are now archived in my external drive.
Let’s now review my 2023 Blueprint and see if I was able to accomplish my goals:
- Get my driver’s license. Already done, as previously mentioned.
- Save up for Japan. I’m so ecstatic to share that we’ll be visiting Japan this January!
- Read more books. Still stuck with my Haruki Murakami book. Apologies.
- More travel guides. Managed to write only two for 2023: the Taiwan Travel Guide and the Guide to Applying for a Japan Visa. I initially planned three but decided to publish the Osaka, Japan travel guide after our trip. Anyway, the article is in my drafts already.
- Practice my driving skill. Fine, I’ll try embracing the driver’s life and stop being a Passenger Princess.
- Go back to boxing. Just want to see if I’ve still got it in me.
- Declutter. Still have plenty of clothes in Laguna.
- Visit 2 local PH destinations. Maybe return to Siargao and Bohol.